

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 8

18 days until 32 weeks
32 days until 34 weeks
46 days until 36 weeks
Currently: 29 3/7 weeks

So we finally have a plan of action. My ultrasound today is, for the most part, stable. I went from 14 mm down to 12 mm, so yes it's a drop, but not as significant as previously. I also have not dilated anymore which is good news. I can sit like this for quite some time, which gives us some comfort. So right now, the plan is that we will do another ultrasound on Wednesday or Thursday and if that is stable then I will go home. That gives me 1 week of being "quiet" and that gives us a sense of relief.

Now when I go home, I will continue to be on complete bedrest. I know this will be more challenging at home than here at the hospital, but it's what we have to do. I'm nervous that being home will only confuse Jack and he'll think I can just get up and do a few things and won't understand that it's just like at the hospital...Mommy can only get out of bed to go to the bathroom and shower. Pray that when we are home, Jack does well with this transition. It will be challenging, but we will do whatever it is to get a few more weeks. Thankfully, our moms are out of school and able to help out soon. I will have weekly doctor's appointments and cervical lengths. Dr. McNamara (another one of the perinatologists) reassured me that even one contraction is enough for me to go back into the hospital if need be. (I think they're all catching on to the high anxiety that I've been feeling about going home and are doing anything to try and reassure right now...more comforting than they know.)

So that's the plan for right now. Wait a few more days to make sure things are truly stable and then home until delivery. Once again, every day is a blessing. Every day is one more day that we're not in the NICU...one more day to keep Monkey safely growing inside. Please continue to pray for each and every day we can get. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. Every text, post on facebook, phone call...it's all so encouraging and appreciated!!

Taking things day by day...

Jon, Libby, Jackson and Monkey

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