

Monday, March 30, 2009

Swinging maniac!!

Alright, so I FINALLY figured this slideshow out! Not sure I'll be able to do it again...This is the swingset adventure by Daddy and Opa! They started Saturday morning and finished Sunday around 2:30. It went faster than they were expecting and Jackson LOVES his swingset! After he woke up from his nap, we were all getting our shoes and coats on and he kept running back and forth from the sliding door to the living room saying "come" or "outside" over and over! Jon took him outside and he ran around the house as fast as his little legs could carry him and was SO excited!!! He figured out how to climb up the ladder and the little rock climbing wall so he could go down the slide all by himself!! When Jon put him in the swing, I'm not sure I've ever heard Jack laugh that hard!! I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time outside this spring and summer on that swing set! Best go get supper ready...come back soon for new pictures!


  1. Hi Libby - Jack will be dragging you outside in all kinds of weather now but it's so much fun and they really do grow up so fast! I bet Jack dreams of his swingset too!

  2. That is so cute!! I must say the guys did a good job putting it together - looks great!!
