12 days until 32 weeks
54 days until 38 weeks
Currently: 30 2/7 weeks
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Not a great pic, but what can I say...no makeup and hair all crazy! I need one of those shirts that says proud supporter of sweatpants and no makeup! |
God truly has His hands on this baby...we've made it to 30 weeks!!! My appointment last week was fairly boring, hence why I didn't update then...not much to say. My length has stayed stable around 4-5mm. Dr. McNamara actually talked about when the cerclage will come out and delivery stuff! So I'm going to believe that we've hit some sort of relief from him and he's not as concerned...I mean, there are always unforeseen circumstances that could happen, such as an infection or something, but from a length standpoint and baby standpoint, we are looking good! The Procardia has kept any sort of contraction under control, which is good. If they would start becoming stronger and more significant, it would cause dilating, which would be bad, as the cerclage is keeping my cervix closed...if they did become strong enough, the stitch could essentially rip out...not good. So the Procardia, as not fun as it is to wake up at 2 in the morning to take it, is doing it's job.
So the plan, barring any complications, will be to take the cerclage out around 37 weeks and see what happens! I figured you'd take the cerclage out and bam, labor would start...but he said that only happens about 10% of the time! If I get to 39 weeks without going into labor, then we'll talk about induction...I told him that isn't even funny to talk about! I remember them saying that with Kenzi and wanting to cry...I spent all of these weeks trying to keep this baby in and now she won't come out! I did go into labor alone with Kenzi after being off Procardia and bed rest for 2 weeks, so let's hope it is similar...I really don't want to even think about induction!
We continue to pray for stability and quiet. The days are long but we've made it a long way so far...and have just as much time to go, but it is all worth it to get a healthy baby! I dream of being able to skip the NICU and have our kids run into my room to meet this babe and get to hold him/her right away, like Jack was able to. The difference between Jackson and Kenzington's birthdays was so vast...Jackson was having to pick and choose who got to go back and see him...lots of tears, monitors, weighing diapers, tracking every drop of milk he drank, isolettes, bili blankets, painful pumping, leaving without him. Kenzi was friends coming up when they wanted, nursing with ease, snuggling in bed, Jackson's smiling face running in, walking out of the hospital WITH a baby. I pray everyday that we get that experience again. Our kids pray for that every night.
Again, we cannot say thank you enough for everyone who has brought over meals, helped out, came over to visit...each and every thing is so greatly appreciated and there aren't enough thank you'd in the world!
The kids start swimming lessons today. Kenzi was so excited, she broke out her new swimsuit yesterday and ran around the house most of the afternoon! Hopefully it goes well!
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