

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

25 weeks

A friend left me a card today with this in it. It is what I need today. It's the exact reminder of what I need.
I'm perfectly imperfect. There's no one just like me, it's mind over matter, to be the best that I can be. As long as I keep going and to myself stay true, today will be the best day, no matter what I do.
I do not have a well-behaving, perfect cervix. My length is even less today, so the half-day plans have changed. They monitored me for a while and I was not having any significant contractions...maybe a few very tiny little blurps, but nothing that was "documentable." I'm going to start on Procardia, like I was on with Kenzi, just to be cautious and go from there. So yes, I am now on bedrest...at home. Whatever needs to happen to keep this little bean growing and inside.
They say that for every day you stay pregnant, it can decrease your NICU stay be 5 days. So every day is a blessing...a HUGE blessing! As I remember with Kenzi, goals are key...they are vital to get to what you want. Mind over matter. If you see it and can visualize it, it will happen. My goals are bold, yet simple:
1. No need to be hospitalized.
2. Have a term baby.
I have 81 days until I am 37 weeks, which they consider term. I want to say that I want short-term goals like two weeks...but 27 weeks isn't enough for me...I need 32 weeks for my first goal, which is 46 days...still a lot of days, but doable! I have to...there isn't an option. Healthy baby...that's what we need. In the grand scheme of this child's life, what is 46 days, or 81 days...a tiny blurp...in the grand scheme of life.
Please keep praying...prayers for a healthy baby, prayers for the best scenario possible, prayers for all of us!    

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