

Sunday, March 6, 2011

18 weeks and counting...

This is the last time for about 18 weeks that I'll be able to remember my hiney not being stabbed! That's right...I have the joy of starting my progesterone shots tomorrow. Because Jackson decided to make an early entrance into this world, I will be getting to do weekly progesterone shots to help maintain this pregnancy until 36 weeks. Now, to most of you this wouldn't be a huge deal (and in all reality, it probably won't be...I'm sure I'll get used to it) BUT for me...I hate, DESPISE, dread, will do anything to avoid shots!! I make people go with me to hold my hand for a stinkin' flu shot! This is not going to be fun, but maybe, just maybe it'll get me over my needle phobia!

Tomorrow is also an exciting day, as we will be having our big ultrasound tomorrow! And no, for those of you out there who are wondering, we will not be finding out the sex of this little being. We were surprised with Jack and loved that surprise so will be doing that again! We're just hoping for a nice, healthy baby. We've got names picked out for both a boy and a girl (and yes, those will also be kept a secret!) so we're ready to go!

I'll post ultrasound pictures tomorrow!

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