

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mystery solved (maybe!)

So every now and then (like a few years in between) Jon has had this bad abdominal pain that no one could ever figure out what it is. The last few times it happened, I was pregnant with Jack and then it happened again when he was a few months old...so its been a while! Well, Jon woke up on Friday morning around 3:45 with the same pain. Because they have never figured out what it is Jon was being slightly stubborn about doing anything about it. He was supposed to work late that day, so I took Jack to daycare so Jon could rest. I called him around 9ish and he said it was worse, but still wouldn't come into the ER. I told him to call the GI doctor, but it took a while for him to hear from them. He still hadn't heard from them by noon, so I told him that was enough and I was going to come and get him. He refused and insisted on driving himself in because he just HAD to go to work that night!! So we got to the ER at 12:30 and started the drill for abdominal pain...labs, UA and a CAT scan. So by about 1:45, the CAT scan came back that he had acute appendicitis. So about 30 minutes later, the surgeon came through, explained the procedure and away we went! Nikki came up to the hospital, Erica ran to get Jack, Den and Julee drove up and Jon went away for surgery at 3:10. They came at 4:00 and said he was done. His appendix was "angry" as the surgeon said...luckily, didn't look infected at all, just inflammed. So by 6:15, we were on our way out the door...rounded up the 4 vehicles we had at Sanford and headed home. Jon slept in the recliner last night, but overall is feeling sore, but better.

Jack, on the other hand, now has a cold. So I now have two boys who aren't feeling up to par and needing some extra love! Hopefully both recover quickly and this weekend is somewhat relaxing! Thanks for all of your phone calls, texts and e-mails! We're so grateful for all of the friends and family we love so much!

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