

Monday, May 10, 2010

Long time, no post!!

Wow...it's been a while since I've updated our blog...as in almost 2 months!! Sorry about that...things have been a little busy around here! This could be a long post my friends, so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!

February 26th, we had the privilege of celebrating Jamie & Becky's wedding with them. It was awesome to spend some time with our friends and have a fun and relaxing weekend up in the Cities. Crystal and I took a trip up to Albertville for a very successful shopping excursion as well! Jack enjoyed swimming that weekend...over 3 days I think he went at least 5 times! He'd go between the "cold pool" and the "hot pool" back and forth...had a great time!!

So way back in February...we got to take Jack to Playhouse Disney! My friend, Laura (whom I work with), her husband is one of the managers at the Arena and got us tickets. It was after we found out Jack had RSV, so he wasn't 100% himself at the time. And Terry (Laura's husband) accidentally got us tickets for the early show, which was Jack's naptime, so he wasn't quite as alert as usual. He did, however, LOVE it and still talks about it!! Here's some pics from that event:

So now we're up to March...Oma & Opa came up one weekend and we took in the kid's museum in town. Jack got to experience the Wells Fargo Cinedome which he thought was interesting. It was all about animals, which was great for hi, except about halfway through he thought one of the animals was going to get him and ended up on my lap. He did pretty good considering!!

Alright folks, we've made it to the end of March, which gives us the start of
(drum roll please) GOLF SEASON! Here's a few pics of our first golf outing this year....Jack loved every minute of it and I didn't golf all that badly if I do say so myself!!

Jackson has been huge into playing legos lately and one day he built this robot. We totally thought he had done it all by himself...until we realized that there was a slim to none chance that he actually figured out how to alternate the colors. Pretty sure Aunt Nikki helped him with this one, but he was pretty proud of it!!

So this brings us up to Easter!! We headed down to Hartley for Easter this year. Dawn, Ryan, Dylan and Austin were back so it was great to see them...hadn't seen them since they moved!! Jack had a good time at the Easter egg hunt in town, although kept a close eye on the Easter Bunny...wasn't so sure about that one! The boys had an awesome time dying easter eggs...Jack thought that was something cool!! Easter Sunday we headed to church in Spencer and then came back for Easter dinner. After that, we had the easter egg hunt and then we headed back home.

(alright...i've tried at least a dozen times to get the pics uploaded...its been arguing with me and i do enough negotiating with a toddler to just let it go...easter pictures hopefully soon!)

So now we're up to the random "Jack-isms" that this little man does! We'll try and explain some of the many random pictures that we have! First pic...Jack relaxin as we read books before bed...it is a common occurrence for him to sit like this when we're hanging out. The next pic...Jack and his dinosaurs...this was one of his many bribes for potty training. A couple of days ago he asked to play with them and the next thing I see is that he's lined them all up and proudly announces that his dinosaurs are in a parade! Couldn't help but capture the proud moment! And anyone who wonders what Jack looks like after enjoying milk and Oreos...take a look at that face!! That constituted a bath that night!

Well folks...that concludes the last few months at the Burns household! Phew...after a long update like that I vow not to go that long between updates!!